DMF Youth’s Annual Back-to-School Campaign is here!
This year’s Back-to-School campaign marks a leap toward monumental growth. With you on board, we’re primed to not only nurture our existing programs but also supercharge our 2024 impact! More DMF Youth magic = more lives transformed. This fall, we welcome a NEW East Harlem to our roster, widening our reach and welcoming more young stars into the DMF Youth family! Wahoo! And with five schools on our waiting list, we are aiming high with this year’s Back-to-School campaign! Our goal? Secure enough funds to bolster ongoing programs and propel growth in 2024! Join our Back-to-School dance party now and learn about all the giving opportunities! First, stop on the giving bus? Your donation! As a lean non-profit, every dollar received wields immense power, ensuring top-notch teaching artists and materials for profound impact in every program.
To make this year one of our best years yet, we need YOUR help. There are so many ways you can get involved with our back-to-school campaign:
Host a back-to-school drive!
We are looking for organizations or individuals to host drives to collect healthy snacks (prepackaged granola bars, snack packs, health bars, etc.) and art supplies (colored pens, stickers, poster board, glue, glitter glue, etc.). We are happy to create personalized flyers for your drive!
Participate in our fitness fundraiser!
Join DMF Youth founder and veteran fitness instructor, Lindi Duesenberg, on Saturday, September 23rd from 8:30am – 9:45am for a virtual low-impact (but killer) workout benefitting our 2023-2024 Afterschool Programs! We will sweat, laugh, and pulse into fall, all while raising much-needed funding for DMF Youth’s Back-to-School Campaign! To sign-up, simply donate to our Back-to-School Campaign and you will receive an email with the event details.
Donate from our amazon wishlist!
Share DMF Youth’s amazon wishlist with your inner professional and personal network to host a virtual supply drive through Amazon! Look through our wishlist here,
Shop with ShopRaise!
ShopRaise partners with a variety of top brands that you know and love. From tech to fashion and everything in between, your shopping spree can make a real difference! Find back-to-school essentials at renowned retailers like Office Depot, Walmart, and Macy’s. Visit DMF Youth’s ShopRaise page here.
Share our campaign to your network!
Spread the word about our awesome campaign to your peers, work colleagues, family and friends via newsletter, social media, word of mouth, and more! We are happy to supply a communications toolkit to make it easy.
And last but not least, please support our back-to-school campaign by donating below!
Together, we can ensure students in under resourced neighborhoods receive life-changing programming.