Student Spotlight
When Harper joined DMF Youth 18 months ago, she faced challenges many students do—trouble with impulse control, respecting peers and teachers, and sticking with tasks when they got tough. Today, Harper is a true leader and role model in her class.
Learning Respect and Empathy
“The most important thing I’ve learned is how to be respectful and kind to people and treating people how YOU want to be treated,” Harper said. “I’ve learned that sometimes you don’t know what people are going through. And when you give respect, you are more likely to get respect from the people you want.”
Harper’s mom, Tasha, has noticed big changes. “I would say her attitude. Her confidence in herself has changed. She’s more outgoing, more willing to help, and wanting to help both others and at home.”
Growth in Leadership and Positivity
Harper’s growth extends beyond just respecting others. She shared, “One way I’ve grown is I don’t complain as much, I participate more, and I’m nicer to teachers.”
Her mom agrees. “Before DMF Youth, she was never positive. When she faced challenges, she would say, ‘I don’t want to do this—it’s too hard,’ or, ‘Do I have to do this?’ Anything we tried to get her to do took a lot of convincing. Now, even her teachers have said she participates more, is way more respectful in class, not as sassy, and helps her peers.”
Harper now uses her growth mindset every day.
“People should support DMF Youth because it helps us learn how to have a growth mindset. I use my growth mindset all the time, like when taking a test or when things are hard. Instead of saying I can’t do this, I say I can’t do this YET!”

Dreams and Aspirations
Harper’s confidence has even inspired her dreams for the future. “I want to be a fashion designer. My grandpa gave me a sewing machine for my birthday,” Harper said. When asked how DMF Youth will help her in this goal, she explained, “Probably because I learned how to be nicer to people and not cut people off. And not having a rude attitude and tone.”
Why Programs Like DMF Youth Matter
For Harper’s mom, the program is invaluable. “Donors are investing in the children in a way that really curates the kids’ interests and teaches them the skills they need. They take these skills into their everyday lives. It’s giving young kids something to look forward to.”
She adds, “To anyone thinking of donating to DMF Youth, it would be a great thing to invest in the future and help cultivate the positives in the kids. A lot of kids don’t have an outlet to be creative, build friendships, and build confidence. The life lessons they are learning are so important.”
A Moment to Shine
One of Tasha’s favorite memories was seeing Harper on stage at a DMF Youth performance. “She was really excited and looking forward to the show and showing us how hard she’s worked. She was so proud of herself. Seeing her finally commit to a program and finish something she started was amazing, because she really struggled with this.”
Support Kids Like Harper
Your support helps children like Harper develop confidence, leadership skills, and a love for learning that will guide them for a lifetime.
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