by Lindi Duesenberg | Dec 18, 2019 | News
School is the main priority for most kids. However, according to Jen Rinehart, VP for policy and research at the Afterschool Alliance, kids only spend about 20% of their time in school. So what about the other 80%? With such a relatively small amount of time spent in...
by Lindi Duesenberg | Nov 26, 2019 | News
Every holiday season we gather with friends, family, delicious foods, and we are reminded to be grateful. But what exactly does it mean to be grateful? Gratitude can be hard to define – is it an emotion, a behavior, a personality trait? Although landing on an...
by Lindi Duesenberg | Apr 5, 2019 | News
MINDFULNESS. Rethinking wellness at DMF Youth. When you look at the #mindfulness hashtag on Instagram, you would think mindfulness is impossibly fit yoga instructors or effortlessly designed bohemian bedrooms. Mindfulness, however, is much more than a wellness trend....
by Lindi Duesenberg | Sep 27, 2018 | News
DMF Youth is one week in to our fall programming and nearly 100 children attending Title 1 schools and/or living in homeless shelters are dancing their hearts out and learning valuable life skills that will help them thrive in and out of the classroom. This fall we...
by Lindi Duesenberg | Jul 9, 2018 | News
Happy July from DMF Youth! Today, we start our 4th annual summer camp! Though this year, we are kicking it up a notch and partnering with Two Bridges Neighborhood Council to offer a SEVEN week camp to over 30 at-risk youth! Two Bridges has been serving...
by Lindi Duesenberg | Dec 12, 2017 | News
Looking for the perfect holiday gift? Give your family and friends the gift that keeps on giving, a DMF Youth Sponsorship! Your loved ones will receive the digital holiday card below, the story of their sponsored child, pictures and updates and AMAZING thank you notes...